I haven't really talked about my pre and post op experience as I had planned on doing on a daily basis, so I'll do that now.
June 27th - and so it begins....
My surgery was booked for July 2. I started my pre-op fasting on June 27 and really, it was not nearly as bad as I had thought it was going to be. The first day was really the hardest, as I mentioned earlier, cheeseburgers & poutine fries were dancing in my head. After that, it was relatively simple. "Ensure" extra protein with a scoop of protein powder, chicken & beef broth, jello, herbal teas, popsicles and lots of water. I didn't think it was really all that difficult, more like too easy. I did get some head-hunger pangs but nothing I couldn't shrug off. I think a big part of getting through the week was being very busy while at work. My shifts were busy and before I knew it I was going home and passing out as soon as my head hit the pillow.
June 29th - Taking a laxative + liquid diet = fearful times
Three days before surgery I was to take a laxative according to the pre-op instructions. I was dreading this day. I was envisioning anal leakage on a mass scale and seriously considered buying a pack of "depends" just to make sure I didn't get soaked with any anal leakage, but there were no problems. I just went about 3 or 4 times that day, but that was about it.
June 30th - Mom is tired
Hubby, Mother and I headed off to Seattle, leaving around 11am. The border wait going into the US was an hour to get through, but it went fast. If I haven't asked before, why are US border agents such assholes? While going through the normal spew of questions, where are you going? how long? what is the purpose of your trip?, idjiot border agent says to me after I told him where and why I was having surgery in TJ, "Tijuana, why would you want to go there?!?!" (I just told you I'm having surgery ass-hat and why I'm going to TJ) "Don't you know there's a war going on there right now?" Obviously he didn't notice that we've been to the Middle East and Israel while there was a "war going on" and the drug war he was referring to is not much different from the drug wars seen in the province where I live. Ugh. Some people. Anyhow, on we went with a stop off at the Seattle Premium Outlets in Tulalip and the WalMart megastore. Bought myself some loose fitting clothing that I can later use for exercise clothing, new shoes and sandals and staples like socks and underwear. We checked into our hotel, Seattle Comfort Inn & Suites, around 6 pm and sadly, I crawled into bed shortly thereafter. I was tired, hubby was tired and mom was tired.
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Mom has passed out |
July 1st - Happy Canada Day!!!
The hotel was nice enough to give us a late check-out of 12 noon as our flight wasn't until 2:30pm. The day was pretty uneventful. We got up, ate (I drank my soup broth), took the hotel shuttle to the airport, waited for 45 minutes, got onto the plane to San Diego for 2 hours and 20 minutes, got off the plane and was picked up by the Hampton Inn Hotel shuttle. Check in was fast and friendly. I was dying for a hot bath as I knew it would be the last one for a while, so I relished in my hot bath sipping my beef broth and downing huge amounts of liquids before midnight approached. Nothing to eat or drink after midnight, so I was trying to get really hydrated.
July 2nd - 5:30 am comes quick
The hotel shuttle took us to the Jet Blue Terminal at the San Diego airport for 8am. It was at this time I met another gal who was not only having her surgery with Dr. Almanza but was also a fellow Canadian (!!!!!) and had brought along her sister for support. Once we got to the Jet Blue Terminal others began to show up. A lady from LA, another Canadian girl from Saskatchewan (!!!!) and her friend as well as a man from Chicago. I felt somewhat relieved that I was not the only one getting the surgery done that day as I really wanted to keep in touch with fellow sleevers from the same day/surgeon as me. The driver showed up shortly thereafter and off we went. Crossing the border was unusual. The van was not stopped, it simply went through a lane that took pictures of it and off we went. We were at the hospital within 30 minutes. It was here, at this exact moment, that I had a second of doubt, the only time I might add, and a sense of "what the hell did I get myself into" as we pulled into a strip mall and I saw the hospital beside a "Staples" store and a paint store. Yes, it was at this moment that I thought "uuuuhhhhhhhh.....yeeeeeeeeeeah, I think I made a bad choice, a really seriously fucking bad choice". I quickly snapped out of that as I remembered that I WAS in Mexico and this hospital being in a strip mall is not much different from seeing a Medical Clinic located in a strip mall like at home. The first thing I noticed was how CLEAN the hospital is. It smells clean and it looks very clean. It seems like the floor is washed and dried only to be washed again. The bathrooms are immaculate clean and I was very, very impressed with how clean the hospital is and how the staff are very good about hand-washing. Once inside the hospital our information was taken and our consultations began. I had my vitals and blood taken, IV started and calf compressors applied by my nurse, Lupita, whom was a doll, just so kind and compassionate. I later had my assessment with the Cardiologist and an ECG done.
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Dr Almanza and some of us |
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Dr Almanza & myself |
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Post ab showing, lol |
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Waiting for my turn |
July 3rd - Good Morning!
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Getting some fresh air |
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Site clean and drainage |
July 4th - Happy Independence Day!!
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Gross purple shat |
July 5th - Tubes OUT!!!!!
I woke up feeling better today. I started sipping my water and eating my popsicles. I was moving around, up and walking. My surgery group all went home today, except for me. It was a good thing that I booked an extra two days because I ended up needing it. I managed to get out and do some shopping today which was nice. Picked up some nice jewelry, two day of the dead skulls, vanilla extract, new luggage (one of ours ended up getting ruined and we needed another 2 smaller pieces to bring our goodies home) and hubby bought 4 bottles of Tequilla, a wrestling mask and some other things. My Mom bought a hat and later revealed that she had gotten a tattoo the night before on her stomach "free spirit" in spanish. We went out for something to eat, I had my water and a container with some soup broth in it from the guest house, and everyone else had HUGE burritos. Insanely HUGE. Yeah, I was jealous BUT not actually hungry for it....head hungry, yes, stomach hungry, no.
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Ewwwww, can't look, too gross! |
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Looking at this now makes my hair stand |
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Tubes are owwwwwt!!!!! |
July 6th - Ciproflaxin doesn't like me and I don't like it......
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Cipro |
July 7th - Mmmmmm, Miso soup
Woke up feeling gross again. Nauseated. I made a decision that morning that there would be no more ciproflaxin for me. I would be seeing my family doctor in 4 days and if I developed an infection, I'd deal with it then. We were picked up at 7:30am and taken back to San Diego. Coming back across the border into the USA took 3 hours, which is "normal". I didn't notice too much as I was semi-passed out. We were dropped off at the Jet Blue Terminal and said our good-byes and thanks to our driver. The Hampton Inn picked us up shortly after we called and check-in was a breeze. We were there around 11am and they indeed had a room waiting for us, which was really nice, plus they extended our check-out time until 2pm the next day as our flight wasn't until 6:10pm. I thought that was very nice of them to accommodate us like that without charging. I was feeling dizzy and nauseated again and asked hubby to pick me up a popsicle. Gradually throughout the day I was feeling better. I had had two popsicles and was drinking as much water as I could tolerate and eventually my nausea dissipated. I felt so good that I wanted Miso soup and my loving hubby went in search of my request and came back with my Miso soup. I sure do love him <3.
July 8th - Starting to feel human again

July 9th - Sleevie is disgruntled
Heading home. Sleevie was disgruntled for the entire day; felt "tight" inside but otherwise I was feeling pretty good. I just kept drinking small sips to remain hydrated, the last thing I needed was to get sick when I had to drive home. On the way back we stopped off at the Outlet stores again to hit up "Coach" (yeah, a purse and a wallet), Crabtree & Evelyn and grabbed some supplements/vitamins. Crossing the border home was simple. I presented my letter from the coordinator in regards to my surgery, told him how much we spent and a general idea of what we were bringing back and that was it. Less than 5 minutes. Got home around dinner time and began settling in. I missed our pets quite a bit and was amazed at how big they all seemed to be. We went out for dinner with my cousin and her boyfriend for Indo-Chinese food. I had War Wonton again - it was good. I later froze the left-over soup in an ice-cube tray then put all of the frozen pieces into a zip lock bag so I can have fast meals when I need them. Did a little unpacking, not much though 'cause I was just too tired.
July 10th - Things take longer to do....and that really sucks
Felt pretty good today, almost normal aside from the liquid meals instead of solid foods. Spent an hour unpacking and re-organizing things but got pretty tired. Showering takes a lot out of me, took me 2 hours to shower, clean my incisions and get dressed. On a normal day, it would have only taken me 45 minutes to an hour. Things just take longer to do these days, I get weak pretty fast. Hubby keeps reminding me that I am not even 2 weeks post-op and I need to remember that. Did some more unpacking later on in the day, but still not done. Rested a bit today in bed with my book. Not much else.
July 11th - Family Doctor visit 9 days post-op and weigh-in....
Saw my Family Doctor today and had my first weigh in. Pre-op I was 261 pounds and today I came in at 248 pounds, down 13 pounds. Yayyyyy!!!!!! Doc says he'll take the incisions out this friday. Discussed the ciproflaxin and he said if you don't have an infection, there's no need to take it. Good, because that stuff is too hard on my system. Also asked about a liquid pain killer, to which I was given tylenol #3 (yayyyy) which I am happy about. I don't like taking any sort of pills right now, I prefer everything be liquid, injection or sublingual so I don't have any problems with sleevie protesting. Which reminds me, my doctor wants me to have weekly vitamin b12 injections for a little while until my stomach is healed. He said he finds that after gastric surgery, the stomach takes a long time, months, before it can absorb nutrients properly. Sure, sounds good to me. I'd rather have the injection anyway. Spent the rest of my day alternating between unpacking and resting. Last minute, hubby and I decided to catch a movie, "Hangover 2", at the local cheapie theater. It was good to get out of the house and have some laughs, even if it did hurt to laugh a little.
July 12th - Unplanned ER visit :(

July 13th - Feeling back to normal, except for my GERD
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Dosa |
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Mango Lassi |
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What's inside the dosa - a soft potato/lentil chana. Raita at the bottom left and plain yogurt on the right |
July 14th - I hate you GERD and I love you 1% Milk
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Baby Bullet |
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